
Psychoanalytic Session Price

The price of an individual session is £105 GBP (Great British Pounds) lasting for 50 minutes.

Frequently Asked

Is it refundable?

Any type of talking therapy is non-refundable.

How do I make an appointment?

To make an appointment, please here where you will be redirected to the booking system, or visit the Book Now page.

Where is the clinic's location?

The clinic is based in England, but all sessions are held online.

Start Shaping Your New Life Today


Prioritise your mental wellness so you can feel good emotionally and mentally in order to be able to handle life’s challenges well, perform effectively at work or school, and have a balanced healthy mind.

Importance of routine

Routines provide a sense of order, predictability, and stability, helping us navigate through our busy schedules. Include once a week therapy sessions on your routine to focus on yourself from within.

Psychoanalysis near you

Online sessions offer a convenient, accessible, and effective way to prioritise mental wellness. By using your computer, you can work towards personal growth and healing from anywhere in the world.

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